
Generative AI isn't the answer to all your business needs

ChatGPT and the like represent intriguing technology but are far from perfect. And they're definitely not going to solve your business woes.

Can’t hire? Can’t get hired? How to avoid the “Great Mismatch” trap!

Employers don’t like the applicants, and applicants don’t like the jobs. What’s going on? And is the problem permanent?

Is this the end of non-compete contracts?

The US Federal Trade Commission wants to ban non-compete agreements. That's a great idea in my book.

Why we don’t need the four-day workweek — or weekends

Nor do we need surveillance software, edicts about employee travel, or offices.

Hybrid-work hardware debuts at CES. Wait…, what?

Companies like Lenovo and HP are going all-in on special hardware for remote and hybrid workers. But special how?

The office is dead

Forget the ongoing debate about remote work or hybrid workplaces. It's time to proclaim: "Long live working from home."

Reframing our understanding of remote work

Remote work is not a place but a skill set. Successful companies and employees are learning those skills. Are you?

Fred Brooks is gone, but his IT management lessons will live forever

The author of the classic software management book, "The Mythical Man-Month," passed away recently. To honor his memory, we should finally start applying his lessons.


Amazon layoffs now expected to mount to 20,000, including top managers

Layoffs are expected in multiple locations and departments including IT, and will affect all levels of employees, according to sources.

It's time to talk about productivity again

US worker productivity is in the toilet right now. It's time to stop blaming and start fixing.

Should you let workers know the salaries you pay?

In New York City, it's now the law to post salaries. But that doesn't mean would-be employees are really getting accurate information. So for your sake, be upfront with them.

Bashing 4 new myths about digital nomads

The digital nomad honeymoon is over, and the backlash has begun. Here are the new myths — and the facts — about digital nomads.

Conceptual photo of toy businessmen walking on clock

The four-day workweek works

And, it will soon be coming to an office near you — including yours.

Yes, 'quiet quitting' is real

But there are things you can do about it — and you should.

It's time to quit quitting on the quiet quitters

Disengaged employees who choose to do less at work is a problem that needs solving. Here's what you can do.

How Generation Z workers are different from everyone else

They're diverse, educated, and resourceful. And while they've grown up with screens everywhere, they crave the human touch more than their predecessors.

Working from home is here to stay

Ignore the skeptics saying that to really get work done, you have to be back in the office. They're dead wrong.

Robocallers are now targeting businesses. Is there any way to keep them out?

Businesses don’t have the luxury of ignoring calls from unknown sources. But there are measures they can take to limit the risk.

How to block spam texts and robocalls for good

Robocalls are out of control despite the best efforts of commercial firms and government agencies. Here are some steps you can take to thwart them.

What you need to know about the metaverse office of the future

Yes, the vast array of technologies that fall under the “metaverse” umbrella will come to the workplace. But, no, we will not work in the metaverse.